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Prodoscore Phone Integration (VoIP / CTI)

Prodoscore Integration

  • Track how your team uses Ringover vs. other cloud apps
  • Track recruiter communication anytime
  • Understand recruiter performance scores
  • Track how your team uses Ringover vs. other cloud apps
  • Track recruiter communication anytime
  • Understand recruiter performance scores


  • Visibility into Ringover usage, including calls and SMS.
  • Track recruiter activity throughout the day across all communication channels.

Track how your team uses Ringover vs. other cloud apps

See how your team handles calls and SMS with Ringover in a clear dashboard. Track call numbers, lengths, and SMS activity to understand communication patterns. This helps you spot trends, and ensure everyone is using Ringover effectively for better productivity and agency growth.

Track recruiter communication anytime

See a clear timeline of all the communication channels your recruiters use each day. This helps you boost Ringover use in your team and get the most out of your Ringover investment.

Understand recruiter performance scores

Score Details Drill Down helps you understand your recruiter’s performance score. It breaks down the score into simple details like the number of calls, call length, and SMS activity, showing you exactly where improvements are needed.

Ready to boost Ringover use within your team?

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+1 438 448 4444

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    One of our product experts will be in contact as soon as possible to book your custom demo and answer any questions you may have.