- Connect Ringover to your work tools
- Automate your teams' tasks thanks to tailor-made workflows
Easily create your own workflows
Thanks to Integrately, you can connect Ringover to 1100+ tools and create customised workflows, without the need for technical expertise.
In just a few clicks, you can automate and optimise your work processes, saving time for your teams!
Automate your tasks in just a few clicks
A sales rep misses a call? Automatically send a message to the caller to let them know they'll be contacted as soon as possible.
A customer calls you? A ticket is instantly created in your customer relationship management tool.
How to integrate Ringover with Integrately?Do you use Integrately and want to integrate your phone system?
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Integrately Integration FAQ
- Is telephone integration available for Integrately?
- Why integrate your telephony with Integrately?
- Is Integrately compatible with VoIP?
- Can I make phone calls in Integrately?
- Which telephony systems integrate with Integrately?
Is telephone integration available for Integrately?
Yes, as an automation platform, Integrately supports various telephony integrations. These integrations are offered directly by VoIP software publishers such as Ringover. Like Zapier, Integrately requires no technical expertise to interconnect applications.
Why integrate your telephony with Integrately?
Integrating your cloud telephony solution with Integrately lets you incorporate telephone features to your selection of business software. This enables you to optimise the way you work by automating all or part of certain processes. Integrating a telephony application with other software will enable you to make calls from these applications, and access certain contact information without having to constantly change interfaces.
Is Integrately compatible with VoIP?
Yes, telephony applications compatible with Integrately use VoIP. It's a great way to simplify your business telephony while increasing efficiency. Integrately VoIP integration will help you automate low value-added or highly repetitive tasks such as updating customer information in the CRM.
Can I make phone calls in Integrately?
No. Integrately has no telephony functionality. However, this solution can be used to link third-party telephony software to your other tools, whether helpdesk, CRM or livechat.
Generally speaking, Integrately acts as a connector between your tools.
Which telephony systems integrate with Integrately?
Integrately is compatible with 1000+ applications. These include many of the best telephony tools on the market, such as Ringover and RingCentral. For a complete list of Integrately-compatible telephone systems, visit the Integrately website.