Leave messages easily and efficiently

Create a campaign in just minutes

Create a voicemail campaign quickly and easily - all you need to do is record a message and send automatically to a list of contacts.

Create a campaign in just minutes

Effective, non-intrusive communication

Your contacts listen to voicemails on a daily basis, which is why it’s such an effective means of communicating and starting a discussion with them without being intrusive. Let them listen and re-listen to your messages at their convenience.

Effective, non-intrusive communication

No more need to spend hours getting your message out

Target as many contacts as you like

Communicate on a large scale and roll out a voicemail campaign in a few clicks. Ideal for getting the word out about a product or service, inviting contacts to events, providing them with updates, or thanking them for their loyalty.

Target as many contacts as you like

Leave a message in their voicemail in seconds

Thanks to this feature, you don’t even need to make a single call: discreetly leave voicemail messages for a set of contacts.

Leave a message in their voicemail in seconds

Launch your campaigns in a few clicks

Tailor your voicemail campaign to your needs

Tailor your voicemail campaign to your needs

Plan or instantly roll out a voicemail campaign that fits your needs. Forward messages and save them with a simple click to send later.

Launch a voicemail campaign

Launch a voicemail campaign

Select the message and recipients and put it into action.

Easily record your message

Easily record your message

Ringover’s online studio lets you easily record, upload in mp3 format, or use Text-to-Speech to create a message to be dropped in your campaign targets’ voicemails. Once recorded, you have the option to reuse this message for different campaigns.

Keep track of your voicemail campaigns

Keep track of your voicemail campaigns

Once your voicemail campaign has been deployed, you’ll have access to a detailed report on your message’s delivery. This will provide you with greater visibility on your message’s impact with your target audience.

More features for communicating effectively with your audience

Text message campaigns

Create precise scenarios for sending out marketing text messages to your clients and leads, and plan sending as needed.

Power Dialler

Automate your campaigns with the Ringover dialler to make uninterrupted calls.

Virtual numbers

Activate the landline or mobile numbers you need in a few clicks for more than 65 destinations worldwide.

Custom announcements

Play useful custom messages for your callers while they queue in your phone system.

Smart routing

Make sure calls get to the right person according to system data.

Collaborative texting

Manage incoming and outgoing text messages as a team and establish customer support via texting.

photo stephane

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